Presentation of
new syrup
derived from


The chemical compound known as Venimen's Tincture, as yet unnamed for public consumption, is currently under review for appraisal by the FDA.

Used for years in Mexico and Canada, Venimen's Tincture will be marketed by Sagawa Inc. in partnership with WynTech Industries for the coming cold and flu season and should it be approved in a timely fashion. The properties of Venimen's Tincture are as follows:



* Anti-inflammatory
In tests conducted on volunteer arthritis patients, V.T. caused a marked decrease in swelling and pain. It was also suspected to cause heart palpatations in three out of four test subjects. It is believed that this side effect will allow the product to be marketed as a "Non-drowsy" formula.

* Antihistamine
Test markets reported a complete lack of nasal blockage following ingestion of V.T. However, there were an alarming number of nosebleeds also reported. R&D recommends that a coagulant be added to the V.T. formula.

* Pain Reliever
The test group for this aspect of the drug, consisting of ex-college football players with serious knee injuries, all reported substantial relief from their chronic pain. One eighth of all the test subjects also reported a metallic taste in the mouth and a buzzing in the ears One tenth reported mild hallucinations involving insects. These symptoms are considered negligible.

* Cough Suppressant
Tuberculosis patients at the Douglas Clark Sanitarium reported long periods of relief from coughing after taking large doses of V.T. A small percentage of the patients also reported nickel-sized purple lesions which appeared on their midsections and lower backs, but these lesions are thought to be unrelated to V.T. According to WynTech's Research department, they were most likely caused by the Sanitarium's decision to change laundry detergents. The lesions have since healed in all but three cases.

Alotharia 9®

For temporary relief from high levels of LDL cholesterol, which is known to cause heart disease.

Take one tablet twice a day, preferably with breakfast and dinner. If high cholesterol persists beyond three months after starting the Alotharia 9® program, see your physician.

Alotharia 9


Do not exceed recommended dosage because at higher levels dizzinessm nervousness, paranoia, sleeplessness, and rectal bleeding may occur. Do not take this product if you have diabetes, diarrhea, diverticulitis, dementia, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, thyroid disease, syhilis, ebola, lethal midline granuloma, or difficulty in urination due to enlargement of the prostate gland.

Interaction Preventions:
Do not take this drug if you are currently taking aspirin, birth control pills, antihistimines, antidepressents, anti-seizure medications, or thorazine. If you are unsure whether your prescription drug will interact with Alotharia 9®, contact your physician or the Center for Disease Control of your city. Do not take this product for chronic or persistent high cholesterol problems, such as those caused by a sedentary lifestyle and a diet high in fats and sugars. May cause excitability and destructive behavior, especially in children and the homicidally inclined.
Do not take this product, unless directed by a doctor, if you have homicidal tendencies, delusions of grandeur, paranoid schizophreniam or uncontrolled or irrational fits of rage.


FDA classification:
Experimental. Effective for management of psychotic disorders. For sedation where dreamless sleep is considered optimal: suppression of night terror.


Under development :

- Cutaneous solution disinfectant hydroalcoolic (Hexamidine 9,1%)
- Eye lotion antiallergic (Cromoglicate 14%) unidose and multidose preserved
- Syrups cough mixtures (Dextertrometorphane 3,3% and 3,1%)
- Expectorant syrup (Carbocisteine 13% and 25%)
- Cream with the estradiol (0,0666%)
- Zombrex (Zombrauctus Pendeo Autoinjectors)
- Deedeetotheraphy : Antitussive oral solution based on sweetened water

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